Sjsu ischool competencies
Sjsu ischool competencies

51) In this model, learners are intrinsically motivated to understand new concepts because they are discovering them individually and as part of a larger group. Implementing a collaborative learning model engages “higher order” thinking skills because memory “is activated and influenced by meaningful learner experiences.” (Booth, 2011, p. As a peer-learning environment, it can provide scaffolding necessary to develop a learner’s “zone of proximal development” (ZPD) (Vygotsky, as quoted in Li, 2007, p. Critics note that many individuals have the predilection to learn in various intelligences simultaneously, and as such may be comprised of varying degrees of aptitude for a given intelligence.Ĭollaborative learning is an important learning method capable of appealing to a variety of learning styles. Social (interpersonal) learners prefer to learn in groups or with other people, while solitary (intrapersonal) learners tend to prefer to work alone and use self-study. Logical (mathematical) learners prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. Verbal learners prefer using words, both in speech and writing, and kinesthetic learners prefer using body, hands and sense of touch. Those users who learn best visually tend to prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding, while aural learners prefer using sound and music. In his book Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner proposed his “multiple intelligences” model, a well-known theory that states the individual tendency to have a preferred learning style among the seven known learning styles. There are numerous learning styles to consider when designing an instructional session. Constructivist thinkers believe that learners learn best among peers and community members, and that “learning is enhanced by social interaction.” (Michelle Simmons, LIBR 287 lecture, June 13, 2012). However, “unlike cognitivists, constructivists believe that learning is always influenced by culture and context.” (Michelle Simmons, LIBR 287 lecture, June 13, 2012).

sjsu ischool competencies

Metacognition plays an important role in cognitivism because it intrinsically motivates learners to retain the new information, which stimulates a new learning cycle.Ĭonstructivism also advocates for the need to employ “higher-order thinking” during learning because it improves cognitive transfer and aids recall. 38)Ĭognitivism purports that learners build upon prior learning, and that these blocks must connect in order to increase memory retention and cognitive transfer of instructional content. This passive theory maintains that students are blank slates waiting to be marked by direct instruction instead of actively participating in their learning process. A well-known preeminent behaviorist thinker is Ivan Pavlov who “classically conditioned” his dog to salivate at the ring of his bell. It is important to consider various and individual learning theories and learning styles of our users to best meet their instructional needs.īehaviorist learning theory asserts that learners demonstrate learning by modeling basic stimulus responses. While the process is gradual and may appear to move too slowly for some learners, educators must devise effective balancing strategies to engage both slow and fast learners, and essentially teach to the fringe. Meeting learners where they are is a fundamental pedagogical building block that educators understand to be necessary for introducing new concepts.

sjsu ischool competencies

Archivists often educate patrons about useful traditional and digital preservation methods and techniques to help them preserve their photographs or documents, while numerous other information professionals provide instructional training in a variety of fields of expertise. Academic librarians devise pedagogical strategies to reach students, faculty, and other learners in the academic community by offering either one-shot or course-integrated instructional sessions based on remote database access or other types of research help. School library media specialists may offer instructional sessions for the K-8 set based on differentiating between subject search and keyword search whereas children’s librarians instruct during story-time and while providing reader’s advisory assistance.

sjsu ischool competencies

#Sjsu ischool competencies professional

Whether they are school library media specialists, children’s librarians, archivists, academic librarians, or myriad other information professional types, instructional assistance plays a major role in reaching our users. Librarians are knowledgeable individuals and veritable information resource paragons who offer instructional assistance in various capacities. …design instructional programs based on learning principles and theories

Sjsu ischool competencies