Philip sprite space funeral 4
Philip sprite space funeral 4

philip sprite space funeral 4

Heal: Heals an ally of Phillip Has both a light and heavy variant.Old Movies: Throwing weapons that inflict Vital damage (Better used against ghosts/spirits).Magic Eye Pictures: Throwing weapons that inflict Hypno damage (Better used against animals and those who lack Hypno resistance).Bibles: The literal bible that Philip throws to inflict moral damage.Zorg Cannon: A ranged weapon described as "future death machine" (It's the strongest weapon in the game).Silver Sword: A sword that is described as "long and balanced".Knife: A standard knife, which Philip collects in several amounts throughout the game.Weaknesses: Emotionally unstable to the point where he cries often Intelligence: Above Average (Portrayed as a skilled and excellent fighter and also a good puzzle solver)

philip sprite space funeral 4

Hundreds of Meters with Zorg Cannon and certain Mystery's Range: Standard Melee Range normally, Extended Melee Range with Knife and Silver Sword. Can run through various dungeons and fight the many opponents who reside in there in a single day) Stamina: High (Can fight against enemies after having a majority of his blood drained. Striking Ability: Universal (Can harm the likes of Moon, who was going to destroy Space Funeral's reality and SCIENCE, who's the universe itself, alongside caused it's death upon being killed)ĭurability: Universe Level (Can survive blows from the likes of Moon and SCIENCE, the former of which can destroy the Space Funeral reality and the latter is one with the universe and triggered it's death upon being killed)

philip sprite space funeral 4

Lifting Ability: Superhuman (Physically comparable to The Moon) Superior to enemies who are capable of traveling from "The Underworld" and back in mere seconds) Capable of fighting against SCIENCE and dodging their attacks, who can shoot laser beams. Speed: Immeasurable ( Can move beyond linear time. Defeated SCIENCE, who is stated to be one with the universe and their death triggered the death of reality) Probability Manipulation (Mystery works by causing the most unlikely events to happen), Death Manipulation (Through "speaking a word of power", opponents can die instantly without any explanation or sometimes even via "Heart Attack"), Statistics Amplification (Can end up increasing the power of Philip), Healing (Mystery can also heal Philip in a variety of ways, with some effects being less practical than others), Fear Manipulation (Through causing opponents to become "Spooked), Fire Manipulation (Can potentially cause a foe to combust into flames), Biological Manipulation (Can potentially cause blood clouts and cramps in the body), Broadway Force, Light Manipulation, Wind Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation (Can make enemies Distracted, Moral AKA pacifist or "Berserked")ĭestructive Ability: Universe Level (Fought against Moon, whom of which was implied to be capable of destroying all of her corruption and recreating anew, which includes Space Funeral's entire reality. Resistance to Transmutation (Remained fine after having been turned into a fish, being able to use his normal abilities and function as if he wasn't a fish), Electricity Manipulation, Ice Manipulation and Fire Manipulation (Resisted the abilities of Moon).Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Showcases mastery over Knives, Guns and Swords), Enhances Senses (Has the power to see creatures in a dark cave), Non-Physical Interaction (Consistently harms ghosts and spirits), Statistics Amplification, Biological Manipulation, Berserker Rage (Muscles causes Philip to become more powerful from flexing Speedy increase Philip's speed and Blood Rage also increases his attack power whilst giving him blinding rage), Empathic Manipulation (Sob causes opponents to become hesitant and or cry, also lowering their defenses), Healing (Bloods and Nuts can allow Philip to recover his health), Holy Manipulation, Morality Manipulation (Bibles deal "moral" damage, which is a stand in for holiness and also can work on criminals), Soul Manipulation (Old Movies attack spiritual bodies and can attack on a spiritual level), Mind Manipulation (Magic Eye Picture deals "Hypno" damage, which inflicts opponents with hypnotic effects), Poison Manipulation (Blood Sap poisons opponents and Purple Drank does the same but with heavy damage), Purification (Antidote removes poisons from the body), Space-Time Manipulation (Those who can enter The River require the basic power to control space and time across past, present and future)

Philip sprite space funeral 4